Wednesday 1 February 2012

Why do we reject the "popular"?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd be interested to see if I'm not alone. A thought struck me the other night while watching Rosemary's Baby: why have I not seen this before? Not because it's the best film I've ever watched (a ways away in fact), but it's a seminal piece of film history, and I waited 25 years before sitting down to it. Now this may not seem excessive at first, but on reflection this is not the first piece of pop culture I've abstained from. And it's been, I'm ashamed now to admit, a conscious effort.

I watched the Godfather parts one and two for the very first time last year. Up until this point I had rejected them out of hand as overhyped and underwhelming...without even knowing the storyline! Now, in my opinion, HBO's The Sopranos is one of the best, smartest, slickest and most entertaining series I've ever had the pleasure of indulging in over and over again. Only now do I realise it never would have happened without the Godfather. In fact, on finally succumbing to the imploring of those near to me to give it a shot, I fell so much in love with the Godfather that I fought sleep, tooth and nail, to watch parts one and two back to back. I come off hypocritical, but lately I'm as baffled as the next guy as to what motivates me towards such prejudice.

It happens across the board with pop culture favourites. As long as I can remember I've (terribly strong word) hated Led Zeppelin. This mostly comes down to the fact that the world and his wife thinks they're the best band in living memory. Now I wouldnt go that far, but (and please don't tell Tom) the more Zeppelin songs I give the time of day to, the more I come round. 

I'm a terribly stubborn individual, who at times doesn't react well to authority. It seems, in this case, "the authority" I'm battling against is mass consensus telling me to believe the Godfather films are the best there is, and Led Zeppelin are the most influential rock band of all time. While I'm not required to buy into that exactly, I guess I need to open my mind, be less precious (and pretentious maybe) and assess things on an individual, independent basis...and ultimately make up my own mind. If I hadnt, I'd never have watched the Godfather. It didn't change my life, but I'm happier for having experienced it.

Its really not an attractive quality to judge a book by its cover...

...even if that cover is someone telling you what you should like.

What about you?

A stubborn (but growing) Sara-aboard-the-train.

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